Two Things Accomplished (Hebrews 9:15)


paid-in-fullAnd for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance. vs15

Jesus accomplished two things on the cross: (1) He delivered us from the old testament, the curse of the law, and unrighteousness before God (2) He delivered us into the new covenant, the promises, and the blessings of God’s salvation.  He’s done both these things for you, if you believe the gospel, as I will lay it before us again in Christ.

First, deliverance from the law means, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus”, meaning you do not owe God for your sins, as the penalty of death has already been paid for you (Rom 8:1).  You lack nothing in your acceptance with God, which is by faith, and it is full, total, and complete because Christ’s work was accepted for you to make atonement. Leviticus 1:4, says, “Then He shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.” You don’t have to answer for past sins, coldness of heart, or wandering from the Lord of grace.  You don’t have to fear wrath because of fornication, murder, and hatred!  I looked upon the man in Alabama who killed five people, including a five month pregnant woman, because he was on meth and angry at not seeing his ex girlfriend, and I say, “He is a sinner – nothing more and nothing less”.  He is not a special kind of sinner reserved in the lowest hell, because that goes to people who know the Truth and don’t obey – it goes to Judas, Balaam, and all the false teachers who sinned that grace might abound. Our Lord told the Jews, “It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you” (Matt 11:24). But, his horrible condition is that of sin, the condition that’s common to every baby born in this world, the condition that has only ONE REMEDY, which is eternal death at God’s hand for every transgression (Heb 2:2). Whew!  It is paid for you and me that believe, and we NO LONGER have to earn any favor with God: that’s been done for us by the death, the infinitely meritorious death of Christ!

Secondly, we have EVERY new covenant blessing by faith alone, already earned, and guaranteed to everyone who believes.  He did not die so you and I could do part of the work, so that He could get us started and then we finish, or so that anything would be lacking in our acceptance and relationship.  His blood earned forgiveness, redemption, sanctification, and peace; it earned heaven and all the grace needed to get there is guaranteed to you, no matter your sins, weaknesses, or propensity to evil.  Praise God: there’s nothing to earn, but plenty to receive!  Receive it by faith alone, putting your fingers on the text of scripture and saying, “He is faithful”, and, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief”, and, “I will not let You go unless You bless me”, until He puts the word in your heart with sin conquering power.  It is because of Christ that we have all, and nothing is lacking.

How is it with you?  Are you earning favor or receiving blessings, living by what you deserve or Christ’s perfect obedience, loving God because you need to improve or loving God because while you were in your sins Christ died for us in love and obedience?  Do you believe that you are under the law or the new covenant, following Moses or Christ, doing the “shalt and shalt nots” or believing the promises and the blessings?  Are you looking to Christ’s finished work or heavy laden about your own performance and puffed up when you succeed?  These things determine what covenant you’re really in because the justified “shall live by faith (Gal 3:11)”!

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