“Made Fat” (Prov 28:25)

6512959b7ccf22b2538c61b5e1f79fab-crazy-funny-shit-funny-animals“He who is of a greedy spirit stirs up strife, but he who puts his trust in the LORD will be made fat.” vs25

If we seek glory for ourselves, then we shall falter, but if for Jesus Christ, then we’ll prosper. God takes notice of the heart, and He sees what we’re about and what we’re doing. If we’re laboring for ourselves – our name, fame, and place in the kingdom – then we stir up strife against brethren and strive against God exalting Christ. Luke 22:24, “Then a dispute also arose among them about who should be considered greatest.”

If we trust the Lord and give Him our hearts, then He’ll maximally use us! Paul mentioned Timothy to contrast the self-exaltation of many , saying, “For I have no one else-like-minded who will genuinely care about your interests; all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ (Phil 2:20-21).” They preached Christ contentiously, seeking to be great, but Timothy served in the gospel, seeking to set sinners free to the greatness of Christ. Which one are you and I?

1     We can be made faithful, and we can change! This is the hope of the gospel – not that we can have greater gifts to exalt ourselves, but that we can have a GREATER HEART to exalt Christ (James 4:3). We can look up to Him in mercy, confess our sins, and expect God to give us more love for Him and our neighbor, expecting Him to give us a servant’s heart continually. He said, “In that day [after the resurrection] you will not ask Me anything. I assure you: Anything you ask the Father in My name [for Christ’s glory by Christ’s merit], He will give you (John 16:23).”

2     Our Lord didn’t come to serve Himself, and He’s given us the greatest example of who God exalts – not the man making a name for himself, but the One who is making God known (John 17:1). Be like our Lord Jesus and the apostles! You can’t have their miraculous signs, but you can have their heart and co-labor in the word. You and I can be useful as God uses us, not for ourselves to be known, but for the gospel to be known and loved by many. He willingly gives this because it glorifies God, so ask Him boldly! He says, “Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son (John 14:13).”

You are not bound to your sinful nature, but you can be liberated by the grace of prayer, renewal, and seeing Christ more clearly. Ask to see His glory and get involved in what He’s doing.

3     Serving the Lord from the heart is peace! The contention is ended, and you are on God’s side, no longer exalting self but Christ crucified – not only in doctrine but in faith, not only in accuracy but in love, and not for self but for others!

God will take care of us with love, joy, and peace, if we are about His business! He says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith (Gal 5:22).” If we forget about our own names, He’ll make us memorable. Serving self is hurting self; serving others opens the fountains of grace and communion with God.

Brethren, seek not your own, but the things of Christ Jesus; seek not fame but faithfulness.

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