“A Lily Among Thorns” (Song 2:2)

pursuit-of-happiness1-580x427“The beams of our house are cedars, our rafters are firs. I am a rose of Sharon. A lily of the valleys. As a lily among thorns, So is My darling among the daughters.”

The church of the Lord Jesus is a beauty among beasts. We are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and the people our Lord loves in a sea of unfaithfulness. We are the beautiful ones who look to Him for all things, glorifying God by faith (Rom 4:20). We rely on Him and sing His praises, sincerely from the heart. We are the redeemed bride, the one who comes to Christ’s feet.

Just like Adam delighted in Eve, Isaac in Rebecca, Boaz in Ruth, and Ahasuerus in Esther, He delights in us and our beautiful submission. He sees us pleasing to Him, and His heart is overwhelmed. Esther 2:17, “The king loved Esther more than all the other women. She won more favor and approval from him than did any of the other young women. He placed the royal crown on her head and made her queen in place of Vashti.”

1     Do not think Christ lightly esteems you. He sees you special! Yes, He hates sin, and He has wrath on the ungodly, but the believer is the object of affection. He sees your submission, and He rushes to meet you, giving you all that He can. He sees your desire to be saved, and He willingly took the responsibility, redeeming you from sin and Satan, satisfying the justice of the law Himself, and then raising you from the dead (Rom 7:4). He sees you forgiven, imputed with righteousness, and holy. He knows the transformation that He has made and delights in your affection. Do not fear like the world! You are NOT abandoned. Wrath will come on the ungodly, but it will not touch you, no never. He says, “Though a thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, the pestilence will not reach you (Ps 91:7).”  

He will never leave nor forsake you, and while you have a flesh that’s wicked, He sees the lily among the thorns and counts you precious! She says, “The beams of our house are cedars, our rafters are firs.  I am a rose of Sharon. A lily of the valleys (Song 1:17-2:1).” His feelings towards you are manifested by His life laid down and the riches of the inheritance. Words cannot describe how much He loves us.

2     This love is your assurance: Let is never be taken. Do not let sin make you doubt or legalism make you wander, as if you must do something to get the favor that He gives; it is freely upon you for Christ’s sake, and all who believe have the same inheritance, even God Himself through Jesus Christ. You are not unworthy: the blood is the reason. You are not unable: the Spirit is the power. You are not left to yourself: He delights to give you the kingdom and all good things. He says, “Do not be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).” You are the passionate object of His desire, and this inflames your own heart with astonishment and love.

Receive it! Be assured of His love, and do not waver. He comes to us repeatedly, like a man assuring a woman, and says, “I love you. I adore you. You are all fair.” There is no spot in you! Justice is honored, holiness is given, and all faults are paid in full.

3     Can you believe God’s love in Jesus Christ? Will you cast off guilt and fear? Will you draw near for blessings? Will you take the smile on God’s face, rejoice, and live in full acceptance? He says, “Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near (Phil 4:5).” 

One of the earliest converts under my preaching was many years ago when first preaching on the Song of Solomon. She said, “I sat listening and said, ‘This is great. What a great love. I want this.” And, through believing it was hers, just like it’s yours.  God has decided to love us, choose us, and we will bask in it daily, until our hearts are full of love, peace, and holiness. We will not put such sweet things away, but having entrance into the Feast by His commandment, we’ll take all things freely. He says, “Again, he sent out other servants, and said, ‘Tell those who are invited: Look, I’ve prepared my dinner; my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast (Matt 22:4).”   

Do not despair, dear one! You are loved especially and particularly by the Lord Jesus Christ.

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